About Us

Ontario Bean Growers is a not for profit organization that represents the interests of farmers in Ontario that grow dry edible beans. Founded in July 2013, the organization is an amalgamation of the Ontario Bean Producers’ Marketing Board and the Ontario Coloured Bean Growers Association. There are approximately 1000 farmers growing an average of 120,000 acres of dry edible beans annually, from the deep southwest in the Harrow/Windsor area to the opposite end of the province in the Ottawa valley.

The market classes that fall under the Bean Regulation of the Farm Products Marketing Act are the following: adzuki beans, black turtle beans, cranberry beans, dark red kidney beans, Dutch brown beans, great northern beans, kintoki beans, light red kidney beans, mung beans, otebo beans, pinto beans, small red beans, white kidney beans, white pea beans and yellow eye beans.


Innovative leaders, growing and promoting high quality dry edible beans, contributing to a healthy world.


Our mission is to collaborate with industry partners through research and development, to build an innovative, sustainable business environment and promote the consumption of dry edible beans, contributing to healthy growth for all stakeholders.

Areas of Investment

The wise investment of grower dollars is always top of mind for OBG’s Board of Directors.  The revenue generated from license fees supports the overall operation of OBG with a focus on these four priority areas:


To invest in research that contributes to the productivity and profitability of farmers growing dry edible beans in Ontario.

Market Promotions & Communications

To support the profitability and sustainability of Ontario’s bean growers by carrying out activities that contribute to increased consumption of dry edible beans.

Grower & Agronomist Relations

To engage with growers, potential growers and agronomists with an aim to transfer knowledge and encourage the inclusion of dry edible beans in crop rotations across the province.

Advocacy & Government Relations

To engage with government and industry stakeholders on issues that affect the productivity, profitability

An annually elected Board of seven Directors from three bean growing districts sets governance and policy, while the day-to-day operations are carried out our management team from our Guelph, Ontario office.