Try Our Bean Recipes Contest
We have so many great recipes on our website! Here is your chance to try them out and have your name entered into a draw for one of 3 bean prize packs.
Rules & General Information

1. Must use a recipe from the Ontario Bean Growers’ Recipe Library
2. Entries are limited to one per person per day and must include a photo and review.
3. Ontario Bean Growers will share your recipe photo and review on our social channels.
4. Only Ontario residents are eligible to win a prize, but we’ll share photos and reviews from all who submit.
5. We reserve the right to not post photos and reviews if they are deemed to be inappropriate (by all means tell us if you don’t like a recipe, but be classy about it).
6. Contest closes on August 28, 2023 and winners will be selected live on Friday September 1, 2023 by random draw.